Committee Application Form
Please Note
Please go to the Boards & Committees page to confirm that applications are currently being accepted.
If you are not currently a member of a civic board or committee and wish to serve, please complete the form below.
Please note the following as you prepare your application:
- You must live within the boundaries of the City of Saskatoon as per City Council Policy C01-003.
- You may apply to serve on serval committees; however, a separate application form must be completed for each committee.
- A short (1-2 page) resume must be attached with each on-line application
- You must acquire and attach (upload) two letters of reference for each on-line application.
- All sections of the form must be completed except for the section marked ‘Employment Equity Designated Groups’ which is optional. Please enter “N/A” in any that are not applicable.
Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Successful candidates will be contacted once City Council has made its decision.
If you are applying to continue your current membership on a civic board or committee, PLEASE USE THE RE-APPOINTMENTS FORM INSTEAD.